Proiecte derulate
Our highschool has been in European projects for more than 20 years either as partner or as lead applicant. We must add that we are resource center for the Training firms for Center Area. There are many mobility projects we have participated into, but we have listed just few of them below.
- Erasmus + eQvet-us –September 2014 – August 2016
- Erasmus+ Pregătiți pentru viitor: Dotarea profesorilor cu competențe ale viitorului. (Ready for future: Equipping teachers with skills for future) Sept 2015-Aug 2017
- National and international programs: implementation of programs: Money sense - BELIEVE Foundation Romania, jaromania
- 2011 - 2013 - „Drumul spre success” ("ROAD TO SUCCESS") POSDRU/90/2.1/S/59295
- 2002 - 2004 - Comenius project - VINDEE - developing modern methods of teaching and learning within formal education – partnerships with schools from Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, France, Poland
- Study visit: Innsbruck, Austria the project "Teacher training in vocational skills assessment" (HRD / 57 / 1.3 / S / 30 768)
- 19th - 23rd November 2012 - study visit within the project ”Training Teachers in Vocational and Technical Education - in services, to expand interactive modern methods of training firms” – Wien, Austria
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